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Ron Interpreter is a member of the Navajo Nation, with maternal relations of the “White Streak in a Rock” of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, and parental relations of the “Many Goats” Clan of the Navajo Tribe. An Entreprenuer, Philanthropist, and Practitioner, Ron has extensive professional experience in business development, facilitating wellness ceremonies, and energizing movements that benefit all of humanity. Grounded in the Navajo and Usui Reiki Traditions, Ron is motivated by his passion to nurture an individual’s desires to accelerate their spiritual growth through the Navajo philosophy of "Sa'ah Naaghai Bik'eh Hozho." As a Reiki Master, Ron facilitates a holistic wellness modality which he calls "Beeh Ji Zhoni" - “Beauty Within”, which is a positive energy flow and personal development way of living that empowers an identity that will sustain a relationship physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with self, family, society and all of Creation.


Max Ribner has been a member of Nahko & Medicine for the People for over nine years.  Off the stage, Max has worked with youth, teens, schools, brothers and men to be of service for our people. The spark of Sacred Brotherhood came to him in 2014, in Portland Oregon after hearing a message from above "Support our men".  Max & a friend Andrew launched a circle for brothers to gather in the city providing a safe haven and sanctuary to speak and be in truth.   Then, after touring internationally with Medicine, Standing Rock unfolded & Max received a 2nd spark of the fire to launch this vision worldwide for all walks of life.  Instead of feeding into hate or anger that developed on the front lines, the brothers began to gather to help re-write the story of humanity.  So today, this branch of brotherhood grows beyond ourselves.  Max encourages all of us to be a good being here and reach out to a brother when we is in need.  As uncle Doug GoodFeather says:


"Never leave a Warrior Behind"

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